Pilot Grants

We will conduct an annual, national competition for pilot research projects that propose innovative uses of NDWS survey data of the professional dementia care workforce and linked data sources.

We have announced our inaugural pilot grant recipients. Visit the Pilot Grant Awardees page to read about the six innovative projects. 

Applications will open in March for Cycle 2 pilot grants for additional projects utilizing Wave 1 data. Watch this page and sign up for our email list for more information coming soon.

While specifics may vary year-to-year, grants are typically for 12-month projects (18 months if using linked data) and will support direct costs up to approximately $100,000 for high-impact research studies utilizing NDWS data.
At least one project will be awarded yearly from each of the survey settings: community clinicians, nursing homes, assisted living communities, and home care agencies. Applicants may propose using multiple surveys in their analysis, but it is not required. Please note: At this time, it is unlikely that data for the Home Care Staff survey will be part of the Wave 1 data release.
Proposed projects must use at least one NIA AD+ADRD Research Implementation Milestone. Awardees will also have access to additional support from NDWS, including biostatistical consultation, to promote successful completion and dissemination.